Friday, August 23, 2019

A Latte a Day Keeps Homeownership Away [INFOGRAPHIC]

Infographic below courtesy of Keeping Current Matters/The KCM Blog

Do you know someone who would love to own a home, but they don't have enough funds saved for a down payment?  Today's younger folks often haven't saved enough to even start thinking about purchasing a home.  Some are strapped with college loans, car expenses, medical bills, and other daily costs that prevent them  from creating a fund for a future down payment.  Yet, they do manage to stop by at their favorite coffee shop each day... Hey!  What's a few bucks for a latte gonna matter in my life?  Well, the infographic below, courtesy of Keeping Current Matters/the KCM blog, offers some insight into how eliminating those daily lattes can add up to a down payment in as little as 5 years.

Please share with your kids and grandkids!

BTW, going back to a good ol' coffee maker instead of the store-bought latte or even the single-serve coffee pods, is an inexpensive way to get your fix of joe. Contrary to what coffee aficianados might tell you, making a big pot of coffee and drinking it over a couple of days is not unthinkable. This time of year, my husband reheats and I make iced coffee from a carafe that sits on the counter for a couple of days. My kids would be aghast and turn up their noses at such a thing. Oh, well. It works for us. And let me assure you, my sugar free iced coffee tastes every bit as good as (or maybe even better than) what I might buy at you know where. Though, I must say, the sugar free iced coffee at a certain fast food chain is darn good!

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